<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Modules > Inventory Management > Procurement > Maintenance > Supplier's Item Maintenance |
This application is used to assign a supplier's item description and part number to the stores description. When that specific item is ordered, the supplier's description and part number will appear on the order.
To assign the supplier's item information, select a valid item in the Item Code field, either by entering the code or using the picker. The button will be active.
Click on the button, the following screen will appear. Use this screen to create a record for each supplier that the company purchases the items from.
Select the following information:
•Supplier Code - select the supplier's code using the picker.
•Supplier Part # - select the part number using the picker.
•Supplier UOM - select the unit of measure using the picker.
•Item Cost - enter the item's cost.
•Supplier Description - enter the supplier's item description.
•Use as Default Supplier - select this option to use the supplier as the default supplier for the item.
•Latest Supplier Part - select this option to use the last supplier from which the item was ordered.
Select to save the record.
Enter the relevant item code either by typing it or using the picker. The supplier item details will appear in the display grid below.
Select the button, the Supplier Details screen will appear. Change the details required and select
to save any changes.
Enter the relevant item code either by typing it or using the picker. The supplier item details will appear in the display grid below.
Select the button, the following message will appear.
Select to delete or
to abort.