Sub-Store Replenishment

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Sub-Store Replenishment



This application allows you to transfer required stock from a main store to the selected sub-store.  This link is setup in the Stores Master Files application's Sub-store tab.  The items kept in the sub-store can be maintained on the item master location tab.  The minimum and maximum levels will be used in calculating the quantity needed by the sub-store.


It allows changing the system calculated required stock quantity to any quantity as required before transferring stock.  Keep in mind that quantities as available from the main store will be transferred - if more is required the item will appear in the list of required stock again after the transfer.


To assist with marking which items to transfer, options are available to mark in batch.


The transfer is generated as a standard stock transfer and marked as dispatched, from where it can be received in the sub-store.




When the USE_MANUFACT parameter is set to Y, the application will work as follows:



You will be required to select the destination sub store and item code by either manually entering the code into the field or using the picker to select.


Click on the button to view the stacks available for selection:



Double click a line to select it.  Selected lines will be indicated with a Y in the Selected column and will be highlighted:



Once this has been completed, click on the button to proceed.



Items to be moved will be displayed in the grid.  More items can be added.  All items added will be transferred to the selected store.  If this store is changed in the middle of the transaction, that store will be the one printed on the Stock Transfer Request Document.


Once completed, click on the button to generate a print preview of the stock transfer request document.  From here this document can be printed as required.















