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This application is used to create and maintain stock take sets. Count sheets can also be generated and printed from this application.
Create a New Stock Take Set
Select the 'New' button.
Select the following information:
•Stock Take Code - enter the new stock take code
•Description - enter the full\long name of the stock take
•Store code - select the store range using the pickers
•Item Type- select the Item Types for which the stock take will be done
•Item Class - select the item class range using the pickers
•Item - select the Item name by clicking on the picker
•Bin Code - select the bin range using the pickers
•Critical Code - select the item critical code by clicking on the picker
•Category - select the category using the picker
•Sub-Category - select the sub-category using the picker
•Item Types - select the item type to include when generating a count sheet
•Select all items not count - select this option in order to select all the items not count, select the date by clicking on the drop down arrow.
•Scan Count - select this option in order to scan count.
•Disable Menu Upon Take Activation - select this option in order to disable the menu once activated.
Select the 'Accept' button to save the template. The following message will appear to confirm that the new template is saved.
Select 'Ok' to continue.
The system will ask if the user would like to generate the count records now. Select 'Yes' to generate them.
The next message will confirm that generation is complete, select the 'Ok' button.
Amend a Stock Take Set
Select the existing stock take code using the picker then select the 'Amend' button.
Change the necessary items and select the 'Accept' button when complete.
The following message will appear to confirm that the record was updated. Select 'Ok' to continue.
The next message will ask if the user would like to generate the count record. Select 'Yes' to generate.
Generating and Printing the Count Records
Select the stock take code to generate a count sheet for, using the picker.
Select the 'Generate' button to generate the records to print. The following message will appear asking the user to confirm that the previous generation performed for this stock take must be erased and a new one generated. Select 'Yes' to perform this.
The next message is a second confirmation as this transaction cannot be reversed. Select 'Yes' to continue or 'No' to exit.
The next message will confirm the transaction is complete. Select 'Ok' to continue.
Select the 'Print' button to generate the count sheets. Select the required information and then select the 'Print' button.
If the stock take template being printed is a second count the following screen will appear. The user must enter the minimum stock variance value of items that must be included in the count sheet.
Select 'Ok' to continue.