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The DeltaERP system can automatically generate recommended stock purchase requisitions. These requisitions are viewed in the Edit Recommended Requisition application.
From this application the requisitions can be edited and sent to a buyer for ordering, by changing the status from pending to recommended. These orders do not need to go through an approval process. They are sent directly to the buyer who creates a purchase order for transmission to the supplier.
There is an option to automatically release items ordered on contract. Once orders have been recommended or approved they will be released to the supplier. If you would like this activated it has to be requested.
When this application is opened the following pop up screen will appear. Select the store you would like to view in the Store field, using the down arrow. Select the class in the Class field, using the down arrow. In the Buyer box check the selection box to either view recommended requisitions of all buyers or for a selected buyer. If 'Select' is checked then select the buyer in the Buyer Code field, using the picker. When the selection criteria has been chosen select the option you want to view :
•Generate - this option will generate all the recommended requisitions for the selected criteria.
•View - this option will display all the previously recommended requisitions which have not been sent to the buyer.
•Cancel - aborts operation.
Each stock item has a minimum and maximum level and a reorder point. When the minimum level or reorder point is reached a recommended requisition is generated. The recommended purchase quantity is based on the reorder formula, which can be customized as requested, but generally takes the following into account:
•Minimum Level
•Maximum Level
•Stock on Hand
•Stock on Order
•Unsatisfied Issue Requisitions
•Anticipated Demand
•Lead Time (The Item Lead Time selected will be highlighted in green in the left hand grid.)
Before generating, you will be notified of any issues with contract split % and you will be able to view these contracts:
If you select no the updated recommended orders will be displayed. If you select yes, the following will be displayed:
All the updated recommended requisitions for the day will be displayed in the right-hand grid. The selected requisition line's details will appear in the display screen on the left. The following information is shown per line:
•Store - the selected store.
•On Hand - how many items are on hand currently.
•Transit Quantity - if the delivery companies system is linked to the Delta system then the amount of order items in transit will appear here.
•Bond Quantity - The total items in the bond store
•Approved Orders - the total quantity currently on order.
•Allocated Quantity - The quantity already allocated to a specific service.
•Unreleased Orders - Orders placed but not yet released.
•Unapproved e-Reqs - the total quantity of unapproved purchase requisitions, excluding this one.
•Recommended - the recommended purchase quantity.
•Projected Stock on Hand - total stock on hand if the orders are placed.
•Minimum Level - the minimum that the stock should be.
•Maximum Level - the maximum level the stock should be.
•Lead time - how long it takes for the stock to be delivered, measured in days.
•Annual Use - average consumption for the item for the past 12 months.
•Month Average - average monthly consumption.
•Consumption Period - the first period is the current month and period 2-13 are the past 12 months.
The details viewed in the grid will be specified for each separate item.
You can view the Stock on Hand, Bond Store Stock on hand as well as allocated stock in this grid.
When you click on the you will be able to add a manual recommendation:
Complete the fields and click on the button to add.
When you right click on the grid, you will have the following options:
Easy view option will display an easy view page of the selected item:
Edit lines option will allow you to amend the selected line(s):
Order History allows you to view the order history for the selected line item:
Change Delivery Location To allows you to change the delivery location from the default location to a new one:
Changing the status of the requisition
Underneath the item display screen are selection criteria:
•Pending - the requisition still needs to be edited and sent to the buyer for ordering.
•Recommended - the requisition's status is changed to recommended after it has been edited and is ready to be sent to the buyer for ordering.
•Remove - if the buyer decides that the recommended requisition does not need to be ordered the user can cancel the requisition.
•Quantity - the quantity that needs to be ordered, can be adjusted.
•Amend Line Button - There are 3 ways of editing the details:
1.Double click on a line item or click the button to change the following details: status of the requisition; required date for the delivery and the quantity ordered. The following edit screen will appear allowing you to change these details. Select
to save the details or
to abort.
2.The line's Status will change as changed in the above screen. The status will either say pending, recommend or remove.
Change recommended requisitions
To view recommended requisitions from another store,class or buyer click the 'Select' button. The selection screen will appear.
Select the new store using the drop down arrow in the Store field.
Select the new class using the drop down arrow in the Class field.
Select a buyer or generate recommended orders for all.
Select an Item Lead time:
Select whether you want to summarize the consumption displayed.
View Order History
Select the button. The history screen will appear, where the specific items order history can be viewed.
Printing the recommended requisitions
To print a report click on the button. The following screen will appear. Select
to print or
to abort.
Once you have made your selection a print preview will be generated.
Sending requisitions to buyer
The buyer will change the status of the recommended requisition from pending to recommended (see 'Changing status of the requisition').
After changing the status from pending to recommended, select the button. A message will appear to confirm task.
Select to continue.
Where import duties are applicable, upon accepting a recommended order, the import duties will automatically be added to the requisition.