Monthly Purchases By Supplier

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Monthly Purchases By Supplier



Generates a report to show the total value of purchases for a selected supplier range by month.




Generate the Report



Select the following criteria:


Supplier - select the supplier range using the pickers, alternatively leave blank to select all.

Period to - select the required period using the picker. This will generate a report for twelve months up to and including the selected period.

Category - select the category range needed or leave blank to look at all categories.

Exclude suppliers with no purchase - select the box if you want to exclude the suppliers with no purchase records from the report.

Show only outstanding orders- select the box if you want to view only the outstanding orders.

Group by Supplier Category - tick to group by supplier category, if not ticked the report will be grouped by supplier currency.


Select the button to generate the report. The system will automatically generate the print preview.




Grouped by Supplier Class












