Generate a New Budget or Version

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Navigation:  Modules > Financial Management > Budgets > Budget Preparation >

Generate a New Budget or Version



This application allows the user to create a new Budget\Forecast using an existing budget\forecast template.




Create a New Budget\Forecast



Select the following information:


Budget Year -  select the budget year from the template budget\forecast using the drop down arrow.

Budget Type - select the template type using the drop down arrow.

Budget Version - select the template version using the drop down arrow.

New Year - select the year for the new budget\forecast using the drop down arrow.

New Type - select the type using the picker.

New Version - enter the version number.

Description - enter the description.

Inflation % - enter the inflation %.



Select the button to save the new budget\forecast. The system will prompt the following message to confirm if the user would like to create a new budget\forecast. Select to create.



The next message will confirm that the transaction was performed successfully. Select to continue.















