GRV Age Analysis

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Navigation:  Modules > Financial Management > Accounts Payable > Reports >

GRV Age Analysis


This report enables user to analyse the GRV Suspense Account balance or the Consignment Liability Suspense Account as at the end of the selected period, extracting data from ledger summarised by order reference and aged by length of time it was outstanding, i.e. time interval since order was received while still not fully invoice matched. GRV Age Analysis will not show orders GRVed at zero unit cost.



When the application is opened, you will view the following:


By default, the GRV Suspense Account radio button will be selected.  The Consignment Liability Suspense Account will have the following options:


Complete the selection criteria and click on the button to generate a report preview.


GRV Suspense Account

Summary Report Example


Detail Report Example


Consignment Liability Suspense Account

Summary Report Example


Detail Report Example