Consolidated Inventory

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Navigation:  Modules > Inventory Management > Warehousing > Reports > Catalog Reports >

Consolidated Inventory


The Consolidated Inventory is a very detailed report combining several aspects of stock, stock movement, value, cost and stock replenishment in one report.  Important information that can be gathered here includes average price when the stock item was first introduced into stock, the date introduced into stock, average and actual consumption for certain increments, current stock on hand value, current stock on hand cover as well as current location.



When the application is opened you will have the following options:


Select the item types you wish to report on by ticking the appropriate boxes.  By default, all will be selected.

Select the ranges for Stores, Categories, Sub Categories, Bins and Items as required or leave blank for all.

Once complete, click on the button.  The data will be displayed, per store, in the grid:


The data displayed in the grid can be exported to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by clicking on the button.  The data cannot be exported before it has been loaded in the grid.


Use the button to begin a new data selection.