Cost By Month

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Navigation:  Modules > Financial Management > General Ledger > Reports > Cost Reports >

Cost By Month



This application allows the user to generate a report displaying information that compare actual figures against a budget, a selected period and year to date amounts are displayed.




When you open the Cost by Month report it will by default show the current financial period however this can be changed.



Period - When the report is generated for a period which is not the financial year end, the periods that are in the future reflects forecasted or budgeted figures.


Select whether you want to include history or only current displayed and whether or not you want to include the Balance Sheet Accounts by selecting the applicable checkboxes.


Report Options:


Level 1 - Displays the actual cost per month as well as the year to date budget and actual by company by nature.

Level 2 - Displays the actual cost per month as well as the year to date budget and actual by department by nature.

Level 3 - Displays the actual cost per month as well as the year to date budget and actual by area by nature.

Level 4 - Displays the actual cost per month as well as the year to date budget and actual by activity by nature.

Level 5 - Displays the actual cost per month as well as the year to date budget and actual by cost center by nature.

Select information as applicable to generate a report.  Click on the button to view a print preview of the report.





